1558  –  1603

French Wars of Religion  -  Henry of Navarre (Henry IV of France)  -  Ivan the Terrible

Tsar Boris Godunov  -  Suleyman I (Siege of Malta)  -  The Duke of Alva (Netherlands)

Mary Queen of Scots  -  Battle of Lepanto (Holy League)  -  Batholomew’s Day Massacre

Tupac Amaru (last of the Incas)  -  Akabar (Mughal Empire)  -  King Philip II of Spain  -

Battle of Alcantara (Portugal)  -  Union of Utrecht (Netherlands)  -  Gregorian Calendar

Babington Plot (Ridolfi & Throgmorton)  -  Spanish Armada  -  The Battle of Tondibi

(Songhai Empire)  -  Edict of Nantes  -  Irish Rebellions  -  East India Companies


Hieronymus Fabricius

(Formation of the Fetus)

John Hawkins

(slave trader)

Gerardus Mercator


Abraham Ortelius

(Theatre of the Earth)

Martin Frobisher

(NW Passage)

John Davis (Arctic)

Willem Barents

(NE Passage)

Francis Drake

(The Golden Hind)

Walter Raleigh

(The Lost Colony)

Richard Hakluyt


Thomas Tallis & William Byrd

(Cantiones Sacrae)

Tomas Luis du Victoria (Requiem)

Andrea Amat (violin maker)

John Knox (Calvanism)

(The Confession of  Faith)

Matteo Rici, Valignano,

Campion & Southwell

(RC Missionaries)

Tycho Brahe

(Castle of the Heavens)

Bruegel, the Elder

(The Wedding Dance)

Veronese and Tintoretto

(Doge’s Palace, Venice)

Sansovino (sculptor)

Peter Bales (caligraphia)

El Greco

(Agony in the Garden)

Nicholas Hilliard (miniaturist)

Michelangelo Caravaggio

(Supper at Emmaus)

Annibale Carracci (Pietà)

Luis de Camoens

(The Lusiads)

Michel de Montaigne


Christopher Marlowe


Thomas Kyd

(Spanish Tragedy)

Edmund Spenser

(Faerie Queen)

William Shakespeare

(Julius Caesar)

The Globe Theatre

The Escorial Palace (Spain)

Andrea Palladio (Four Books)

Pompeii (Domenico Fontana)

Andrea Cesalpino (De plantis libri XVI)

William Gilbert (studies of electricity)